As a seller, the role of the title company is often understated. At closing you will be signing the most powerful title document, the deed. Once you have found a buyer and are under agreement, we begin to work immediately on verifying your claim of title and making sure that there are no adverse claims. We are committed to preserving your schedule and endeavor to meet all contract dates. At Absolute Title, if we encounter a title problem, our staff of Attorneys and Title Experts will work with you to provide guidance and/or rectify the problem and keep things on track.

In order to best serve you through this process, we will be sending you a paper information sheet as well as authorization forms necessary to obtain mortgage payoffs.

There are several questions that can arise when selling your home. Regardless as to whether you are currently about to close or just thinking about listing your property, we are here to answer you questions. You can contact us online or call us. The most common question that we receive are regarding New Hampshire Homestead Rights.


A Homestead is a legal right that is afforded to a person's domicile only. These rights can vary dramatically from state to state, but in New Hampshire they provide additional protection to the homeowner should that property be pursued in litigation. The Homestead Right creates a buffer against the attachment of judgements and liens that prevent these entities from forcing the sale of your property. This right only exists in the primary residence that you own, but in New Hampshire the right is also extended to your spouse if they are not an owner. In this scenario this can be confusing, because though your spouse is not an owner, they will need to appear at closing to sign for their homestead rights before the closing can be completed. Please feel free to contact us here ( or here (phone link) if you have any questions about Homestead and your property.